Monday, January 19, 2009

Mrs. Sue

I had a great day with one of the most wonderful ladies in the whole world! She really is a hero of mine. I asked her to go on a day trip with me and we talked and just enjoyed each other's company. I've known her since I was like 14 years old and have always thought of her like my Aunt Sue, though I have never called her that. She was my teacher when I graduated High School at our Christian Academy and then later in life I had the privilege to teach side by side with her. She is going through a tough time right now and really needs all our prayers, but she is handling just as I would have thought she would.......with a smile on her face! It's hard for her, I know that, but she loves the Lord and is trusting Him with all the uncertainty that she is facing. She really is a hero of the faith. I know so many people think of great preachers and I do as well, but I have a few ladies that I try to follow the example of. I'm so glad that I can call Mrs. Sue my friend. It is such an honor that she would give me her friendship and love. I love you, Mrs. Sue!

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