Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Day, Another Week

Well, here we go again with another week. Aren't you glad the Lord gave this time to us? Another day to serve Him. Another week to serve Him. Another day to tell others about Jesus. Another week to do the same. Of course we aren't promised tomorrow, but we can plan to tell others that Jesus died on the cross every day that we draw breath. That's the least we can do for Jesus and the most we can do for others.
It's been raining here. More is on the way. I guess it's safe to say we are no longer in a drought. Of course with the rain comes staying inside. The students are going to be so restless having to stay inside most of this week. I may have to get creative. But on the bright side, we have four weeks to go. School is almost over!
Remember to share Jesus with others!

1 comment:

  1. Our christian school is out in 4 weeks also but, being the secretary means I will still be here!
    I am just so thankful to have a job at the church I attend!
