That's right! Today we had a not so fun but funny experience. Crazy, huh? It was completely crazy! Today I "thought" I had a doctor's appointment and I noticed that the right front tire of the truck was low, so Josh took care of that for me. He is great at taking care of me. He was pulling the truck through the gate as I came out of the house. I asked him if he was gonna go with me and he said he was going to drive me. So I thought "Great!" I asked him to put my purse in the truck while I locked the house. When I came back out, he was unlocking the garage. I asked him what he was doing and he said he is getting the Slim Jim. Of course I asked "why?" Somehow when he got out of the truck he had accidentally locked the door and then closed it. But, wait, that's not it! The truck was running. He tried for a while to unlock it with the Slim Jim to no avail. The whole time saying, "Dad is going to kill me." Poor baby. I just knew he was right. LOL! He tries to run a wire into the truck. That didn't work either. Frustration is setting in and it doesn't help that Mom is pretty upset. Then the big idea comes to him. Oh no! I don't think Dad is going to like this. Josh gets his brand spankin' new ratchet and socket set and tries to take one of the half back doors off of the truck. He took the bolts out, but the door wouldn't come off. So he tries to run wire inside the cab of the truck to the door handle to pull it open. That doesn't work either. He is getting more anxious by the minute. Mom has calmed down now. By this time, I had already called my doctor to reschedule my appointment because, obviously, I wasn't going to make it. The receptionist informed me that my appointment was actually tomorrow. Whew! What a relief! But, now, it hits me that all this trouble taking place in my driveway is all for nothing! OMW!!! To make this story short, Josh did not get the truck opened. Dad called him while he was working on it and Josh had no choice but to tell him what was going on. Dad is pretty upset. Duh! LOL! Dad decided to chalk it up to a learning experience. I love what my husband told Josh when he got home. He said, "You can always come to me no matter what you do. I'm your dad and I will help you to the best of my ability. But, you have to remember to come to me. The child goes to the father, not the other way around. Just like we go to God. He doesn't chase us down to save us. He draws us to Him." What a great lesson Josh got!
Love my guys!!!
Hey Mrs.Shelly, I enjoyed reding your blog. You should post more often. Set a day aside and designate it as your day to just sit down and blog. You may not always have time, but it gets you going, and keeps your posts from being outdated....just a thought. Anyways, guess I'll see you at church Sunday! :)